Fat Is The New Black : why I love being a plus-size diva and how the world is against my swaaaaaaag.

Fat. Plus Sized. Even Chubby. Those are the words you can use to describe someone like me. Someone who can gain a body roll just by breathing next to a bakery. Someone who got that Extra Swag.

I decided to post this because something veryyyy weird happened in Egypt the other day. Basically, some egyptian tv hosts were asked to lose weight within a month or they would be fired. Their boss, might i add, was a former tv host who was asked the same back when she was in the job.



They said – the egyptian tv compagny – that being fat as a tv host was not appropriate and that it wasn’t suited with the image they want to have towards the public. Like you could get fat just by seeing this beautiful face :


How dare they body shame eight females hosts like that ? Like, is it that bad to be fat ? Being fat will prevent you from hosting a show ? Does being chubby so disgusting that you can’t watch tv because of the fat host ? I guess the fact that i’m fat and that, i don’t know, someone sees me having a caramel frappucino from starbucks means that every person who daaaaare to drink starbucks will go fat too. I guess

It’s not just the egyptians that i’m targeting. It’s the entire world and how they label fat girls as not in shape. If you have an extra body roll, you’re obviously sick. I agree that sometimes losing weight can be a benefit to your health, because of diabetes or cardiovascular disease. But not all fat girls are sick.

Some are just as healthy as a skinny girl and some skinny girls can be as sick as some plus-sized women. You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, remember ? As for my personal experience, i’m fat and i’m healthy ( my doctor says so, okkkkk ? Doctor McDreamy. What d’ you mean ” he’s dead” ???). I’m in shape, like :


I don’t understand the need to label people like that. Leave people be. At the end, whether i’m going to the gym or not is none of your business. Stop targeting fat girls and body shaming them by saying “you should go to the gym…”. Guess what ? We know already.

Don’t even get me started on why in France ( yeah i’m french…croissant, tour eiffel blablabla), shopping for a plus-sized girl is just UHGGGGG. If you got a minimum of swag, then fight like a lioness because booboo… Oh honey you will have to go through body-shaming looks from the retail guys to simply not finding that cute little black dress that you dream of. But thank god for New Look, sometimes Primark or Asos.

Of course, France is not the exception. Plus-sized girls around the world have trouble finding true love with clothes and when you do, you just can’t stop wearing it ( what do you mean my favorite tee-shirt, the one that doesn’t make my boobs too enormous, has holes ? It’s just the way it was made…o’course). All i’m saying is that i’m tired of questions about my health, how people try to label us as unhealthy and how we have to go the extra mile just to buy one cute tee-shirt. Let’s just live as one big (ahahhaha) family, shall we ? Not like a disfunctional one, where you have that naaaasty competition with your oh-so-perfect sister and you try to destroy her confidence by pointing out a zit in the middle of her forehead. Let’s all compliment each other, and stop there. Enough with the ” you’re pretty for a big girl”, “I don’t think you should eat that. How about your diet ?,  ” I never met a black girl as cute as you” or the ” You’re pretty clever for a girl”….Please. Just NO. Let the swag and the inner diva be free, let the world be ridden of those passive-aggressive compliments. Thank you, world.


Paris Under Attack

No need to sugarcoat. This is war.


I know it’s been a while now that this war has begun. In Syria, Palestine and every country where terrorists have erased all hope and life. When you are afraid of going outside your house because you’re afraid. When you decide to immigrate to a another country to give hope to your children. When living has become surviving. This is when war is declared.

I know that Paris is not the first. I know this has begun long ago, when radicals began to justify murder by naming God. But now it’s where I live. Now it’s where I breath, where I walk, where I grew up, where my family lives. Now it’s in my home.

It began in January 7th 2015, when cowards decided to shut the voice of the press. The Kouachi brothers murdered 12 people and injured 11, in the Paris headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, a newspaper specialized in satirical cartoons. They were in the Al-Quaida branch and said that they killed them because they “dared to insult islam” by posting many funny cartoons about islamic people. Just because they chose to use humour against hate. Just because they were free to give their opinions. They were people with a voice. The next day, January 8th, an acomplice of the Kouachi Brothers, a man called Coulibaly, killed a policewoman. The next day, he went to a jewish convenient store in Vincennes and held the customers and workers hostage, where he killed 4 people and ended up being killed by the police. The Kouachi Brothers tried to escape but the police killed them in a raid.


The “free world”, thinking that Septembre 11th was far away, understood that it was no longer “their war” but ours. That, if Paris, the City of Light, could be hit, anyone could be. We finally understood what those families in Syria feel every single day. And it’s beyond terrifiying. It had to directly touch us for us to realize. It had to take lives for us to react.

At this point, after the events in January, us parisians, us french citizens, us europeans, us people in the world, us humans understood that it was going to happen all the time. We understood that our lives where no longer free. And it happened again in Paris, my City of Light.

According to the french newspaper Le Figaro, everything happened in 33 minutes. Around 9 pm (local hours), 3 terrorists blew themselves up next to le Stade de France, one of the biggest football stadium near Paris. 1 person died with the 3 terrorists. At the same time, a black car approched two cafés in the 10th arrondissement (discrit) in central Paris and fired at the people having dinner at the terrasse that night. 15 people died at the scene and many injured. When they were done, they got around the streets nearby and killed the people walking there. 5 killed in the Fontaine au roi street and 19 in the Charonne street. While people were trying to rescue one another, in le Bataclan, a famous concert hall, 1500 people were attending a rock concert and were taken hostage by 4 terrorists during 3 hours. By midnight, they had killed over 70 people and 200 were badly injured. As of today, Sunday 15th, 128 people died during the attacks or of their injuries. 8 terrorists killed themselves or were killed by the french Police task force, the GIGN.


Flowers and candles put in front of one of the cafés targeted.

They chose to go all around town, at random neighbourhood so they could kill the most amount of people. People who were having fun, rock and rolling in Bataclan; people having dinner at cafés; people watching a football game with our very own President Hollande attending. People who got up that morning of friday 13th, ate their breakfast, talked to their loved ones, made plans for a future they will never get to see. Innocent lives taken in the name of what ? God ? God would never accept a human killing another. It is never written in the Coran, the book of Islam, that you should kill people for God. In the Bible, it is said “never mention His name in vain”. How dare use God’s name to justify such atrocities ? How could a person, a human being, do that ? How can they put islam to such a shame, making people insult their own religion ? The real islam is not about hate. Islamic people of France are flooded with hatred comments. But please, do not put them in the same bag as the monsters who can kill people for nothing. We are all affected. We are one. It’s us against monsters.


The Eiffel Tower with no lights on, as a tribute for the innocent who died during the attacks.


All monuments around the world took the blue, white and red of the French flag in support

I am in shock. I am mourning my fellow parisians. I am crying for humans who, like me, enjoyed going to concerts, hanging out with friend, etc. It could have been me or my friends or my family. I hate the fact that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That it happened. But that will not stop us from living our lives. That won’t stop me from going to the cinemas or enjoying my life. The moment we stop living is the moment those monsters win. Barack Obama said today “It is an attack against the civilized world”. But we won’t fall against bullies.




Hello by Adele

She’s Back !

The amazing Adele is back with a simple but oh-so-magnificent “Hello” and then the world crumbles (Yeah like in “Skyfall”). The video is in black and white, with a windy background, a dusty house, Tristan Wilds and Adele’s old phone. And it is perfect, like always, and the wait is over because the queen is here. Winter may be coming but we have her to melt and mend our hearts again. The album will be dropping soon (WHEN ????) and the wait is killing me.

What do you think ? Perfect or perfect ?

Indian Jam Project

Want to have your heart broken and healed in an instant ?  Well listen to this, Potterheads !

I found this thanks to the Buzzfeed community and i just fell in love with the melody and the memories that the video brings. Impossible not to let a tear or two after hearing how the emotions are almost alive during the performance. Plus, i love bollywood music so it’s basically the best of both worlds (Miley, are you there ?).

Enjoy !

Who Am I ?

That’s the million dollar question, for all of us, i guess. Wondering who you are, who you can and want to be.

Lately, i’ve been struggling with that. Knowing what you want, what you know you can be but still fail completely in making that true. There’s this power, this desire in you. In your mind, you see yourself doing things, incredible things, all of your dreams finally becoming real… But you’re stuck in that middle – the ” Wait” – when there’s absolutely nothing you can do. The future is there for you to grab but your hand is paralysed by fear. Fear of success ? Fail ? Just not knowing if you’ll make the first step, really.

My dream ? Well, i’ve always wanted to write. Write stories that could take people outside of themselves, let them be or feel whatever they want. Enchant and be enchanted of enchanting. My mind is wild like that, i could picture a whole lifetime for hundreds and thousands of characters and in all of them i see you and i see myself. So i thought, yeah i could be a writer.

“Yeah, i could be a writer” ? Really ?

My neurones then got cpr – but for the brain, obviously duh – and i had the brilliant idea of becoming a journalist. I mean, i could still write stories, real stories to feed the world and real fictions for the unending imagination of my magical place, a.k.a my mind. But what kind of a journalist ? Well, i had no idea but life is twisted that way, and for some incredible reason, i decided to do a Bachelor of Korean Language and Culture. Yeah, you read that right. Korean.

Spare you the details, but i love everything about Korea (culture, food, people,etc…) and i decided to be a journalist specialized in Korea. North and South. Yeah i know, but i have to say that. When people think korea, they think Kim Jong Il, war, Samsung and THAT’S IT. A country cannot be defined by simple words, it’s so much more. It’s the history, the people who suffered to make it, the struggle of a nation to be recognised to the world. I got instantly attracted to that. To that korean spirit of One. For them, there is one Korea, one nation, one people, one heart beating in the chests of millions. And i envy that, that idea of a country as a huge family. If only all humans could see that we are all the same, we all have a heart, a soul, a body and hense we all are one big family who got spread to the world by money, fame, desire and everything bad there is today. So i fell in love with Korean people and i decided to represent them. To be their…lawyer in the press ? I don’t know but i refuse to let them be misjudged as “asians who can dance” (KPOP), ” kim Jong Il and the war” or simply “people who live next to Japan”. They deserve a real advocate for their beautiful culture, the same that always moves my heart, whether it’s by the movies, tv shows, paintings or else.

But i’m stuck. Will i make it ? Will i succeed in being that “lawyer of Korea” ? I just graduated with my Bachelor of Korean Culture and i’m trying to summon the great amazon warrior inside of me to apply for a master’s degree in Journalism in the UK.

For you, and you, and yes, you, it’s something else, i know. Your DREAM. The future you, the you who succeeded in making yourself happy. The new happy is not to be a part of society, be rich or famous. That’s so overrated. The new happy is doing something that is YOU. Not what people wants you to do. What you truly want, what your heart is beating for. For me, and maybe for you, it’s the thought of my future self, sitting in a desk of a grand magazine/newspaper, writing about how koreans changed me.

But before that, there’s the Wait. The struggle. And that’s unbearable.

FutureWell i believe in my dreams and even though it seems too far to reach, i will always have my magical place where i can dream and write about it again and again and again… Until it’s real.